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Countdown to new Trust rules is on… - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Countdown to new Trust rules is on… - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Countdown to new Trust rules is on… - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
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Countdown to new Trust rules is on…

June 2020 Jamie Stanton

Those of you with a trust may recall from our article late last year that the rules under the new Trusts Act will come into force in six months’ time on 30 January 2021.

From 30 January 2021 trustees will be under increased obligations when making decisions, and beneficiaries will be entitled to significantly more information about trusts of which they are beneficiaries.

If you haven’t contacted us already to discuss how these changes will affect you, then please get in touch now. Contact Jamie Stanton, Senior Solicitor (DDI 03 343 8588 / before time runs out!