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Community - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Community - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand

We Value, Respect and Support our Community

A key component of our ethos & values is to make a difference in our community. We expect our staff to be active in the community as a ‘matter of course’.


The firm provides opportunity during work time for our professional staff to deliver pro-bono legal services to a number of organisations, entities and individuals.  Our staff are also active through providing their personal time and experience to community boards, committees, clubs and teams.  Our staff serving in the community enhances our firm culture.

Mortlock McCormack Law also makes regular financial contributions to worthy community organisations and where we feel we can make a difference.  Some of our commitments to charities are through annual sponsorship, by donation of time, and or by way of monetary donation.  Whatever our contribution, it is always with the aim of supporting our community.

Just a few of the organisations we actively engage with through staff representation or by way of regular donation: