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Why we check your bank account details - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Why we check your bank account details - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Why we check your bank account details - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
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Why we check your bank account details

March 2019 Tony Herring

Fraudsters and computer hackers are becoming more sophisticated each day.

While Mortlock McCormack Law is proud of our up to date IT system, and has the latest anti-virus and anti-hacking software, protecting your money is of such vital importance that we take extra steps to verify all bank account details.

Please do not be alarmed if we telephone you to verify your bank account details, even if you have sent us a copy of your bank account deposit slip. It is possible that your email might have been intercepted before it reaches us.

Our preferred method of receiving and giving out bank account details is for us to physically exchange a pre-encoded bank deposit slip when we meet with you. However, that is not always possible. Where bank account details need to be sent or received by way of email, we will verify those by calling you.

The same applies when we send you a copy of our trust account bank deposit slip where you will be transferring funds to us for a transaction. We will telephone you to verify that you have our correct details.

Please be assured that we have robust security systems in place, but we are taking this extra step to ensure that our clients’ funds are safe.

Should you have any concerns in relation to any financial transactions with us, please contact your usual Mortlock McCormack Law advisor, or Jessica McIntyre in our Trust Account department.