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Staff Announcements - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Staff Announcements - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Staff Announcements - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
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Staff Announcements

September 2022


Ricki Allan – Solicitor; new solicitor with a keen interest in property, commercial, wills, contracts and trusts.

Rachel van Eekelen (nee Haythornthwaite) – Associate; experienced Family Lawyer (RP, care of children, wills, EPOAs, PPPR applications, protection and occupation orders)

Liz Brook – Legal Secretary; over 15 years’ experience as a Legal Secretary and qualified Legal Executive.



Ruby Haddon – Ruby was promoted to Senior Solicitor in July 2022. Ruby joined MML in June 2019 and has a keen interest in property (particularly first home buyers), commercial law, relationship property and wills. Chair of our social committee, Ruby is a highly valued member of the MML team.

Scarlett Corke-Stevenson – Our friendly face at Reception, Scarlett, has welcomed the opportunity to balance Reception duties with Legal Secretary assistance for Legal Executive Justine Bateman. This hybrid role compliments Scarlett’s thirst for knowledge, administrative skillset and desire to challenge herself. Keep up the great work Scarlett!



Annie Withington – Solicitor; departed MML in July heading off to the UK on her big OE!

Sharon Rapsey – Legal Secretary; returned to work in the travel industry. All the best Sharon!

Sarah Wenborn – HR Manager; is heading on parental leave to have baby,  daughter  number three! All the best and enjoy this time expanding from a family of four, to a family of five Sarah, Matt, Winnie and Poppy!