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Southern Response - Compensation Payments - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Southern Response - Compensation Payments - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Southern Response - Compensation Payments - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
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Southern Response – Compensation Payments

October 2021 Sarah Manning

Did you settle an earthquake insurance claim with Southern Response? Have you received your true entitlement?

In a recent ruling the High Court has found that Southern Response engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct and did not pay policy holders their full entitlement when settling insurance claims before 1 October 2014.  If you are a former AMI or Southern Response policy holder you may be entitled to a top up payment.  The average compensation payable is approximately $100,000.00.

You may have heard about the Ross Class Action that was being taken against Southern Response. This has now settled.  Southern Response are now able to engage with former policy holders through their solicitors to resolve any claim that may exist.

If you would like to see if you are entitled to any further money from Southern Response contact us today.

As part of the settlement Southern Response has agreed to reimburse policy holders $2,000 of any legal fees incurred in connection with resolving matters.  We will review your Detailed Repair/Rebuild Assessments (DRA) and negotiate with Southern Response on your behalf for a fixed fee of $2,500 plus GST and disbursements.

If you would like further information please do not hesitate to telephone or email Sarah Manning –, or Matt Hastings –