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Will Time - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Will Time - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
Will Time - Mortlock McCormack Law | Property and Commercial Law | Christchurch, New Zealand
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Will Time

June 2018 Margaret Mary De Goldi

Do you have a Will? Do you know what it says? When did you last read it?

Are you a first timer, or will this be a review of what you currently have?

Your Will is an important document. It sets out your wishes about your things on your death.

Now is a good time to think about your Will.

You have obligations, in particular to your partner and your children (and sometimes to your partner's children). We will write a Will for you that clearly states what you want, after you understand the obligations you need to consider.

Tell us that you want to write (or review) your Will: we’ll ask you questions so we understand you and your wider situation. Our Will questionnaire is designed to get a picture of you and your circumstances, but we are happy to meet if you have other questions. After taking your instructions, we will point out any risks or challenges to your Will which might arise after you have died. It’s often about striking a balance between what you want to do and what you need to consider. 

If I had died yesterday is a good way to approach your Will. It will make you think about what you want (or need) to happen right now. Anticipating events or scenarios can get in the way of focusing on what you need to say. Lives change: children grow, acquaintances die, relationships alter, financial wealth goes up and down. You need to review your Will whenever change happens.

Wills are for all ages. Kiwisaver is an asset for your retirement but once you’ve accumulated just $15,000.00, having a Will is the simplest way to distribute this money.

Once you’ve signed your first Will, it’s imperative to keep it up-to-date. We recommend every five years unless there’s a trigger to do it sooner – additions to the family, a new relationship, marriage, separation, death of people who feature there. It is important to review your Will, because an out-of-date Will has unintended consequences.

Expect us to ask you regularly if your Will is in good shape - it’s that important. And it’s really not that hard.

We charge for Wills. They are important documents, tailored to your individual specifications, designed to meet your obligations and wishes. In reality, no one’s Will is simple. Some people have more complex arrangements but everyone has the same obligations to meet.

Talk to us about your Will. Legal Executive Margaret Mary De Goldi (DDI 03 343 8381 /